It Is Times like these that make normal people decide to stand up and be counted. I created this site to start a dialog about the various issues that effect the everyday citizen of these United States of America.
My name is Bennett Frazier. It is my desire that the points made on this site will be used as talking points to help both the Republican and Democrats to see that there is common issues that need to be address in Washington. Good ideas are good ideas and it does not matter which party or person brings them forward. I believe it is time to stop the bickering and blaming and start to work toward solutions!
All of the issues outlined here need to be worked on. I do not care who gets the blame or the credit. I am a citizen of this country and want to see my country fulfill the promise that was made by our founding fathers.
You will see several topics that will be disused on this site. Please go to the specific topics page and contribute to the solution.
I welcome any and all discussions and suggestions of new topics.
If you like this site please add it to your social media pages. Only by allowing people to be in the conversation will the discussion be heard.
Great site Bennett! I have appreciated your honest, straight forward thoughts. I have shared this site on my Facebook page. I also tell people I know to view this blog and gain additional knowledge on current issues that should concern all of America.
Best of luck with your campaign! You have my vote!